  • 02 Jun 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

If you do not have the Company Code, API Key, or your app hasn't been authorized, please see Getting Started before proceeding.

All calls to the CenPoint API are RESTful and are served over https.

CenPoint hosts multiple servers. You will be hitting our general URL which does Round Robin routing.

General URL: 

To authenticate, pass the company code, api key / token, and authorized app name

NOTE: The below sample will not actually work as it is not hitting an actual end point yet! However, this is the basic structure for all calls / authenticating

i.e.<<Company Code>>&token=<<API Key>>&appName=<<YourAppName>>

If you fail to authenticate, you will get an error message

  • {"errorCode":"-2","errorDesc":"Invalid credentials"} 

If you successfully authenticate, it will proceed to process the endpoint you're attempting to hit

Up next, API Endpoint List