Create New Job Request Alert
  • 04 Jun 2020
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Create New Job Request Alert

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Article summary

Create New Job Request Alert


  • Post


Base URL (includes authentication + end point)

  •<<Company Code>>&token=<<API Key>>&appName=<<YourAppName>>&prg=cpapi&proc=createJobReqAlert

Body Parameters:  (please see Escaping Body Parameters)

  • NameTypeDescriptionExample
    msgStringThe message you wish to convey for the new job request. No length limitJohn Smith with XYZ company has requested re-striping work to be done on parking lot.... more job details here.... please contact John at 801.478.6822 for questions.


  • Error Msg Object
    • {"errorCode":"","errorDesc":""}
      • If errorCode and errorDesc are empty strings, than the alert was created successfully
    • {"errorCode":"-4","errorDesc":"New job alert department is not set up under branch settings"}
      • A user with access to CenPoint must go to File -> Company / Branch Info -> Pick Branch and Modify -> Misc. Tab -> Specify the 'New Job Alert' Department