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Setting up Trainings and Certifications
To set up a Company Training or Certification go to File-> Trainings and Certifications
Use the top section to search previous trainings.
Click Add New and select either Training( In House) or Certification( Site Specific)
Choose the branch(s) the training will be for, a description for the training, a release date and a due date.
Check the box if future hires will need to complete the training.
Check the box if you only need lead technicians to complete the training.
Choose when the training expires.
Choose who must complete the training.
Required for all- will include office workers, Department- example just Field Technician Department, or individually select users.
Add questions to your training, and the Correct answers
Select how many correct answers are needed to pass,
Add Documents or URL's
Your training is all set up.
Let's look at how it works for your technicians and office staff.
If you have a training set up for an employee who does not use the mobile app, have them launch a
browser type in https://portal.cenpoint.com/signIn use their CenPoint credentials to sign and and complete the training.
They will see a notification for pending trainings. If your company pays for training they would clock in before they begin.
On the trainings page they can see all completed and pending trainings.
Click 'Open' on the training to be completed.
All Materials (Documents, URL's) must be viewed to complete a training.
Technicians can add a photo to a training, like a picture of a badge or document.
The quiz section must be filled out and the technician must sign and submit the training.
A training can be repeated until it is passed.
Easy Peasy Right?
Now, you may be asking how do I know who has completed a training?
Go to Reports->Training and Certification
Use the top section to filter, and you have all the information on trainings.
But now you may ask, what if I need someone who has passed a training/certification to go to a specific job.
Example would be they received a site specific security badge etc..
Add a training to a job by going to Additional Info and add the required training. You will see the list of uses who have passed.
Also if you try to schedule a technician on that job who has not passed the training you will be notified.
Under Reports-> Company Training a certificate can be printed/emailed to a site contact etc. as
proof a training was completed.