Add Office User
  • 28 Feb 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Add Office User

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Article summary

This video is a little older, and you will notice that our home page looks quite different.  Almost all information is accurate, but when entering a users cell phone, the service provider is no longer required.

Add Office User on Desktop

To add an office User go to File-> Users-> Add New

Type in your Users First and Last Name and Hire Date

Since this is an office user select Office/Full User. This means they can use both the 

desktop and Mobile versions of CenPoint.  Security levels for this user will be set under 'Office Security'

Select a Main Branch for this office user, then select any additional branches this office user may have access to.

Select the department and if they have an assigned vehicle. 

Then select all the departments where they can receive alerts.

At the bottom of the page click the 'Email or Text' button to easily send download links 

to your new user for the desktop and mobile installation.

Additional Info Tab on Desktop

Misc Info. Tab fill in all the necessary information required for your company.

Rate of Pay 

Fill in the users rate of pay and office user will usually be Salary or Hourly(Via Clock In/Out)

Licensing- add the users license  information.

Notes- keep notes for this User. This is not the same as the User Log

For more information on the User Log use the following link: User Log

Office Security Tab on Desktop

Set up the Office Security for your office user. Save time and use the Copy/Paste feature by going to a 

user that will have the same security, click Copy, then come back to the new user and Paste. 

A System Administrator will have access to everything including all other branches.

A Branch Administrator will have access to everything but only for their assigned Main Branch. 

A Branch Administrator will still have access to other branches if granted access, to see Jobs, Schedule etc..

 but will not have Admin access for those branches.

User Preferences Tab on Desktop

General->Set a password for CenPoint can be up to 24 characters long.

Most of the other user preferences can be set up by the user, according to their preferences.

E-Mail on Desktop

Set up user email. Use the following links for more information on setting up E-mail

 E-mail Set Up

E-mail Signature

E-mail Trouble Shooting

Schedule Template Tab on Desktop

Set up a schedule for the office user.

Use the Manage docs at the bottom to store any documentation for that user, and example would be a copy of their drivers license.

The user log is a great place to keep a record of that employee. Examples: Office user received a customer compliment, or user has called in sick for the 20th time this month. 

for more information on the User Log use the following link:User Log

Add Office User on Portal

To add an office User on Portal go to More -> Users-> Add New

Type in your Users First and Last Name and Hire Date

Since this is an office user select Office/Full User. This means they can use both the 

desktop and Mobile versions of CenPoint.  Security levels for this user will be set under 'Office Security'

Add a 'Profile Picture' -> Click Ellipsis -> Set/Change -> Select one

Select a Main Branch for this office user, then select any additional branches this office user may have access to.

Select the department and if they have an assigned vehicle. 

Then select all the departments where they can receive alerts.

Upload any documents for pictures associated with this user ie employee photo, driver's license, contract

At the bottom of the page click the 'Email or Text' button to easily send download links 

to your new user for the desktop and mobile installation.

Additional Info Tab on Portal

Misc Info. Tab fill in all the necessary information required for your company.

Rate of Pay 

Fill in the users rate of pay and office user will usually be Salary or Hourly(Via Clock In/Out)

Licensing- add the users license  information.

Notes- keep notes for this User. This is not the same as the User Log

For more information on the User Log use the following link: User Log

Office Security Tab on Portal

Set up the Office Security for your office user. Save time and use the Copy/Paste feature by going to a 

user that will have the same security, click Copy, then come back to the new user and Paste. 

A System Administrator will have access to everything including all other branches.

A Branch Administrator will have access to everything but only for their assigned Main Branch. 

A Branch Administrator will still have access to other branches if granted access, to see Jobs, Schedule etc..

 but will not have Admin access for those branches.

User Preferences Tab on Portal

General -> Set a password for CenPoint can be up to 24 characters long.

Most of the other user preferences can be set up by the user, according to their preferences.

Set up user email. Use the following links for more information on setting up E-mail

 E-mail Set Up

E-mail Signature

E-mail Trouble Shooting

Schedule Template Tab on Portal

Set up a schedule for the office user.

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