Email Set Up (SMTP)
  • 24 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Email Set Up (SMTP)

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Article summary

This video is a little older, and you will notice that our home page looks quite different.  However, all information remains accurate.
If you are using Gmail please also follow these steps Gmail Troubleshooting

This article covers email setup in CenPoint, and is broken into the following sections.
1. Define your email server
2. Enter your email address and password
3. Test your email

1. Define your email server

1a. Go to File > Company Branch Information

1b. Highlight your branch and click 'Modify'  

1c. Go to the 'Misc' tab.  We will be looking at the 'Email SMTP Settings' section seen below.

1d. You will need to fill out the Server name, port, and security protocol, that your email provider use's.

i. These settings are determined by your email provider.  We store some of the most popular email settings under the ellipsis button "..."

ii. If you do not see your email provider under the ellipsis, you can often find these settings with a quick google search.  In the example below I will look for hotmail's email server settings.

iii. Take the settings you found online, and enter them into CenPoint

vi. Finding the Server settings can be a little tricky so, give us a call if you need help.  

2. Enter your email address and password

2a.  On the home page of CenPoint, you will see your user name in blue text.   Click on your name, then click on the Email Tab.

Enter your Email address (

Enter your Email Login/Acct (

Enter your Email Password (********)

3. Test your email

3a. Click the "Sent Test Email" button. It will send an email to yourself.

If you are unable to send an email, please reach out to us at  801-478-6822 option 4 or We are more than happy to assist!