Update 236
  • 20 Sep 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Update 236

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Article summary

  • Added: File -> Company/Branch Settings -> Modify -> User Pay Tab: Option to Use Job ROP For Travel Time

              * This helps with some states that are starting to require you to pay certified rates

                 for travel time

              * If a certified job is set to use task rates instead of a general job rate, travel will pay

       at the lowest rate from the tasks done on the FT

  • Added: File -> Company/Branch Settings -> Modify -> Mobile Settings Tab: New option to add pictures per task

              * Must turn on this setting to allow the techs to do this

              * If you have a custom field ticket, please contact CenPoint support to get your report

       updated to support this new feature.

  • Added: Better integration with the CenPoint Portal

              * View things directly in the desktop app that are only available on the portal

       (How cool is that!)

              * For now, includes (but not limited to)

                         - Branches (more branch settings than desktop screen supported)

                         - Users (set user profile pictures and view them on the portal schedulers)

                           -Unions (did you know you can draw union boundaries and accurately

report on them?)

                          - Entering CC Payments

                           -Update logs (like what you're reading ;) )


              *We are constantly moving more and more functionality to the portal

                           -Some companies work exclusively out of the portal, but it depends on what

          features you need. Not all features (i.e. job costing) are moved over yet

                           -We are adding this integration with the portal to save you from bouncing

                    back and forth between the 2 platforms / interfaces

                           -This is also a strategic move that allows for faster development time

(i.e. we can get you features faster) since we won't need to write it 2+ times.

              *You can temporarily disable screens opening in the portal view by double clicking

      on the home screen and unchecking 'Use Webview'

                          - Webview will turn back on automatically the next time you launch CenPoint

                          - You will not be able to access certain features

         (i.e. new branch settings listed in this update) if you do this

  • Added: Tools -> Translate

              * Instantly translate text between 5 languages

  • Added: CP Books -> Reconciliation Report: Now shows EFTs under the types of payments

  • Added: Shop -> Vehicle Inspections: Checkbox to include vehicle inspections for the branch you are looking at where the inspection is for a different branch than the vehicle branch

              * This is useful if you 'loan' vehicles between branches

  • Added: Schedulers -> Right Click on WO: New option to 'Create New Errand For This Job'

  • Added: File -> Users -> Modify -> User Preferences: Can now set the Desktop app to send via Outlook while using something else on the Portal (i.e. Office 365, gmail, etc.)          

  • Fixed: Reports -> Timecards & Payroll -> Technician Detailed & Summary -> Auto Correct OT Warnings: Not moving travel 2 time to OT in certain scenarios

  • Fixed: Reports -> Job Reports -> Job Costing: Grid not accurately showing Job PO costs when merging linked jobs (print outs were correct, just the grid didn't update)

  • Other minor fixes

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