Modify/Delete a Pushed Invoice
  • 24 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Modify/Delete a Pushed Invoice

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Article summary

1. Find PUSH ID for invoice by going to

Data -> Invoices -> Highlight invoice then click ‘Modify Inv.’

Locate the ‘Acct Push ID’ and write it down

2. Delete push by going to :

A/R -> Data Push -> View Log

Set the date range you are looking for using the ‘From’ and ‘To’ Date boxes

Under Results, scroll all of the way to the right (if needed) until you see the column labeled ‘Push ID.’ Locate the push ID that matches the one you wrote down in step 1 (one). Click on it to highlight it and then scroll left (if needed) and write down the Date, Amount, and Ref. No.

Scroll right again (if needed) and then right click on the push ID and click ‘Delete Push xxxxxx’. Enter Administrator password and then click ‘OK.’

3. Go into your accounting software (i.e. quickbooks) and delete the push. If you skip this step you will not balance. Use the Date, Reference number, and Amount that you wrote down in the previous step to verify you are deleting the right push.

4. Delete Invoice from CenPoint by going to

Data -> Invoices -> Highlight invoice and click ‘Delete’

5. Make desired changes to invoice (i.e. deleting or adding tax) by going to field tickets for the job and making changes. Make sure ‘Ready to invoice’ is checked

6. Recreate invoice by

Clicking ‘Create Invoices’ on CenPoint start screen

Select Invoice and check box under ‘Invoice.’ Under Invoice options in top right hand part of the screen, click button next to ‘Invoice Date of:’ and then specify original date of invoice

Click create invoice

7. RePush invoices to accounting software by going to

A/R -> Data Push and then select the option you use to push the info to your accounting software

Congrats! Your invoice that had previously been pushed to an accounting software has now been modified!