Quote Notes Missing from Job or Work Order
  • 07 Apr 2021
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Quote Notes Missing from Job or Work Order

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Article summary

There may be a couple of scenarios of why your quote notes 
are missing on a Job or Work Order.

The following article will help you find your missing notes.

First Scenario:

Go to  File->Company branch information-> 

customer and job settings-> check the box'Show Quote Gen. notes on WO'.

Leave Printed General Notes here to see them on the Mobile App Work Order.

The General Printed notes will be seen here on the Mobile App.

Second Scenario:

Printed notes on a quote do not flow through to the job unless 

they are in the Tech notes, or the Box “Same as printed notes is checked”.

By Default this box should be checked.

In the Tech Notes section click the ellipsis for: Quick list, Duplicating Printed Notes and Duplicating Internal notes.
Your technician will see all of these notes, so if there is a Quote specific note,
and the printed/internal notes were duplicated, that note may need to be edited.
An example of this is notes left by the salesman for pricing when creating the quote.

Now on the Job, the notes from the Quote for the task(s) are populated.