Sales Rep Report Card
  • 10 Mar 2023
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Sales Rep Report Card

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Article summary

Ordered Vs. Invoiced Method will create a sales rep report card by comparing Field Ticket time multiplied by Task Price vs. Invoiced Task Price for the selected date range.

Item included are based on invoice date (not Field Ticked date). Work not invoiced is excluded. This does not include additional charges (i.e., fuel surcharges, interest, nsf charges etc.)

Run the Ordered vs. Invoiced Report Card by going to Reports-> Report Cards->Sales Rep Report Card ->Ordered vs. Invoiced-> Select Report Parameters

Actual Margin vs. Target Margin Methos will create a sales rep report card by comparing Task Target Price vs. Invoiced Task Price for the selected date range.

Items included are based on the invoice date (not field ticket date) 

Work not invoiced is excluded.

Run the Actual vs. Target Report Card by going to Reports-> Report Cards->Sales Rep Report Card->Actual Margin vs. Target Margin-> Select Report Parameters

Actual Margin will create a Rep report card by calculating margin for the selected date range. Items are included based on Invoice date (not field ticket date). 

Work not invoiced is excluded. Sales Rep split percentages are honored. Taxes are not included. All costs (as reported by job costing) are included.

Job costs are included/excluded based on the date range.

Run the Actual Margin Report Card by going to Reports-> Report Cards->Sales Rep Report Card->Actual Margin > Select Report Parameters

Quoted vs. Converted will calculate several quote statistics for the selected date range.
Invoiced amount is the current amount invoiced for the job and could change if more invoices are created.

Items are included are based on Quote date. Job hours are onsite hours only.

Run the Quoted vs. Converted Report Card by going to Reports-> Report Cards->Sales Rep Report Card->Quoted vs. Converted > Select Report Parameters


Is the sales rep Invoice amount driven by invoice date while tech report card is driven by Field Ticket Date?

Yes- sales rep inv amount is driven by invoice date and tech report card is driven by FT date.

The ‘Actual Margin’ report does include all job costs.