Send Customer a Link to View and Pay Invoices
  • 12 Jan 2024
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Send Customer a Link to View and Pay Invoices

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Article summary

Send the customer an email or text with a link to view and pay their Invoice online.


To process Credit Cards in CenPoint you must first Set up CC Processing Account

Go to the Find Invoice screen.

Highlight the Invoice to be paid > click the "Email or Text…" button. You can choose to email, or text the link to your customer.

The customer will then receive the below message and link via email or text.  

Text Message example:

Email example:

This message can be customized by going to File-> Company/Branch Information -> 'Modify' your branch -> 'Cust. Portal' tab -> Invoice Link Message.

"Your invoice from <BRANCHNAME> is ready in the amount of <INVAMOUNT>. Click the link below to view the invoice. If you have any questions, please contact your sales rep <SALESREPFULLNAME> @ <SALESREPCELL> or our office @ <BRANCHPHONE>. Thank you for choosing <BRANCHNAME>."


When your customer clicks on the link, they will be taken to a webpage like this.

The Invoice is displayed with an option to download.

The customer can enter a credit card payment by scrolling down or clicking the "PAY NOW" button.

The customer will need to check the box to agree to the processing fee, then click Submit Payment.

The fee will then be added to the invoice total and the customer receives a receipt that they can download.

In CenPoint to see if a customer has paid go to A/R→Payment History