Time Overview
  • 28 Feb 2024
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Time Overview

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Article summary

Time overview report calculates several totals for times worked. 
Field Tickets are included based on Field Ticket date (not Work Order date or Invoice date). 

Work not field ticketed will be excluded.

Clock In/Out is also included based off of the clock in date.

Note: This report does not evaluate overtime rules.

This article is an overview if you want more in-depth information use the following link:https://help.cenpoint.com/v1/docs/en/time-overview-1

Go to Reports-> Time Cards-> Time Overview Report-> Select Parameters

This report included both Field Tickets and Clock in times (Shop Time, Errands etc.)

Since the grid only shows 1 record per person, to see the time distribution for each category(clock in, shop) you need to change the ‘Report Type’ to detailed and print it to get all of the details behind the columns.

 The other option is to use the Technician Payroll Detailed & Summary report (Reports -> Time Cards -> Tech Detailed) and then choose the tech and you will see a list of the clock ins (i.e. shop time) or FTs.