Getting Started
  • 02 Jun 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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Getting Started

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Article summary

Welcome to the CenPoint API. 

All calls to the CenPoint API are RESTful and are served over https. All responses are returned in JSON format. 

You will either get an error message or valid data returned

  • {"errorCode":"-2","errorDesc":"Invalid credentials"} 
  • {"VFPData":{"rows":[{"custid":"0000000005","custname":"Easy Samples Company"}]}}

To start using the API, you will need 3 pieces of information:

  1. A Company Code
    • The Company code is valid for multiple branches in CenPoint
  2.  An API Key (Token)
    • The API Key is PER branch in CenPoint
  3. Your app authorized by CenPoint
    • To get your app authorized, please call CenPoint at 801.478.6822 opt. 1

You will need someone with access to CenPoint to give you the company code  and API key.

To get the company code, have some with access to Company/ Branch information in CenPoint go to: 

File -> Company/Branch Info -> Modify the 'Corp Office' -> Mobile Tab -> Company Code (i.e. TEST)

To get the API Key, have some with access to the desired branch in CenPoint go to:

 File -> Company/Branch Info -> Modify the desired branch -> Misc. Tab -> 3rd Party Access Section -> Click on the ellipsis next to 'API Key' and either say 'Generate' (if there isn't one yet) or 'Copy to Clipboard'

Up next, Authenticating

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