NSI Overview on Portal
  • 23 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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NSI Overview on Portal

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Article summary

This article covers what NSI is and how to create one

What is NSI?

Non-service invoices are those where you are not billing for any work done for a customer. Instead, these invoices are generated when you are attempting to sell them a product that is not associated with a particular job or project. This could be inventory or any other item you are trying to sell to the customer.

How to Create a NSI (Nonservice Invoice)?

Go to "Create NSI"

Select a customer -> Fill out the information -> in Line Items, click Add -> choose either Line Item or Fuel Surcharge then fill out the info 

There is ellipsis in Notes box and you can go to predefined notes

if you click "Create Invoice", it will create an invoice and you can find it in Invoices from Home page from pre-existing list.

If you click "Save As Pending Inv", it will save as pending then you can modify it anytime. It will store in: go to CP Books -> Invoices -> Manage Pending NSIs