• 22 Aug 2024
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Article summary

Learn how to create an AIA application by using the following link:Create AIA application

Learn how to run an AIA report by using the following link: AIA Report

FAQ's for AIA

Negative number on AIA:

The original contract amount field is populated by the task price on the Job. Add the task price  and you will stop getting negative numbers.

Can't create AIA:

scheduled value for AIA is from the job, line items. There must be an invoice created to make an AIA.

Add AIA after job is created:

On the job to the additional info tab and mark the box as AIA billing, under the AIA billing check box is a section to add AIA Previous Payment Amounts.

Add AIA on a task

On the job by going to the task->Modify-> AIA section

AIA Report is not adding up right:

CenPoint takes off the retention amount and is not in the AIA report

CenPoint does not use decimals (whole numbers only) on the AIA. 

Example if there were a price of $10.99 only $10.00 would be used on the AIA report.

AIA for linked jobs

When using CenPoint for AIA the linked jobs will report together and under one job number. CenPoint will use the first(lowest) Job number.

This will combine all the invoices on the AIA but linked jobs will still have separate invoices. Linked jobs cannot be combined into one invoice.

Change Amount on AIA

The amount for AIA pulls from the contract amount not the invoice. If you have done an adjustment on the Invoice this will not update the AIA.

You will need to adjust the job task to adjust the amount showing on AIA.

Remove From AIA App Button is greyed out

If the Remove From AIA App Button is greyed out it is because you do not have security clearance to delete. The security clearance you would need would be the ability to delete invoices. You may also have someone with access in your office delete the AIA app.

Other AIA questions

Assign AIA to a task Modify Task on Job->Select AIA Tab-> give the task an AIA name, check the hide on AIA invoice box if applicable.

Task added to a Field Ticket (not on Job) not showing on AIA. Add The task to the job, set AIA options. Then 'back-tie' the Feild Ticket task to the job by,

modifying the task on the Field Ticket, Click Misc-> Choose Change Job Task Assoc.