Can't sign into CenPoint
  • 06 Jan 2023
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Can't sign into CenPoint

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Article summary

There are a few scenarios that may prevent you from signing into CenPoint.

1. Your license is expired

You are getting a message box that says T.I.P.S. subscription is expiring or expired.

This just means you need to renew your license/subscription with CenPoint. 

Give us a call at 801-478-6822 and we can get that taken care of in a jiffy.

2. You changed your Company Name, or Phone Number or Address information and it says I need to retrieve a new license.

The license in CenPoint is tied to the Company Branch information any changes will require you to retrieve a new license.

Give us a call at 801-478-6822 and we can get that taken care of that in a hot minute.

3. You get an error saying you have a corrupt file.

Give us a call at 801-478-6822 and we can get that taken care of.

If you're brave enough get the file name from the error, 

then go to your CDrive-> Programs x86-> Cenpoint delete the corrupted file listed in the error.

Sign into CenPoint, this will retrieve a new file to replace the corrupted one.

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