Delete a Payment
  • 07 Jan 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Delete a Payment

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Article summary

For Payments that have been pushed to your Accounting System

Once a payment has been pushed, Cenpoint locks it down so  that CenPoint and your Accounting Software stay in Balance.  You can still delete it, but there are extra steps.  Please, Follow our documentation to Modify/Delete a Pushed Payment

Modifying a Payment
If an error is made on a payment we will need to delete the payment and re-enter it.

1. Begin by going to A/R > Payments > Payment History Report

2. Select the customer involved (this prevents us from deleting the wrong payment with a similar price tag)

by either using the customer ellipsis or selecting a transaction from the list.

3. Select the payment you want to delete and click 'Delete Payment.'  Confirm your selection by clicking 'Delete.'