Picklist Data
  • 09 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Picklist Data

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Article summary

So many drop down menus are customizable in CenPoint,
that we could not fit them all directly under List Management.
That's where Picklist data comes in!

To modify a list stored under picklist, start by going to:

 File > a List Management > Picklist Data.

Find the name of the drop down list you wish to modify.

All items that appear in the drop down list will display under “Category Items”.

If you’re going to delete an item from the list, be cautious. 

If this entry has been used on previous customers, jobs, etc. the field could suddenly appear blank.

When adding a new item, click the “Add” button, enter a description, a code (the code is used behind-the-scenes, does not display anywhere), 

and an order if you have a preference on the order items display in your drop down list.