Receive Parts
  • 02 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Receive Parts

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Article summary

To receive parts you must first a have a Purchase Order.

Use the following link to learn how to create a Purchase Order:

Go to Inventory-> Manage Existing PO's

Select the Warehouse, Vendor and PO or click Find PO 

Select PO and Choose View PO

Click on Receive Parts, click in the 'Qty Rcv' field, then choose where the part will be received and click OK

Once the part has been received the PO will be marked as closed.

The part should be updated on the parts finder screen.

Reprint the PO by going to Inventory-> Reprint PO

Add Part Not Ordered or To Set Up the Beginning Inventory

Inventory -> Receive Parts From Vendors -> Click Add Part Not Ordered -> Highlight one of them -> Click Select (You will see it on Receive Parts) -> Put the Current Price -> Update the Qty Rcvd -> Click OK