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There are two types of GL codes in CenPoint, general GL codes, and specific GL codes. General GL codes are defaulted to anytime there is not a more specific GL code.
General GL codes on Desktop
Fill out your general GL codes first by going to File > List Management > GL codes > General GL Codes.
Enter your GL codes, and click okay.
GL codes associated with tasks
To associate different GL codes with your tasks start by going to File > List Management > GL codes > GL codes.
Enter all GL codes that were not included in the general GL codes.
Add GL Code to tasks
Go to File > List Management > Tasks > Tasks
“Modify” each task, that needs a specific GL code associated with it.
Select your code from the GL code drop down, and click okay to save.
Repeat for each task.
Congratulations, you have set up your GL codes!
General GL codes on Portal
More -> List Management -> Charts of Accounts (GL Codes)
Click Add Button to add a new GL Code.
Select your Account Type and then fill out the information.
GL Code for Parts:
Physical Parts and Inventory are always assets in all Accounting softwares. If you took out a loan to buy the inventory, that's a liability.
The GL codes on the Sales Tab of the part and so that GL code is what revenue account it goes to when you mark the part as billable.