Install CenPoint on Windows Cloud Hosted
  • 31 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Install CenPoint on Windows Cloud Hosted

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Article summary

1. Download the CenPoint Client Version

a. Go to

b. Select the Cenpoint Desktop option and begin the download. 

Please note the location of where your file downloads.

2. Run the file to install.

a. Navigate to where you saved the file, click on the downloaded file and select “run.” 

b.  Follow the steps to install. (Basically click “next” and accept (if you  choose to do so) the terms of use.)

3. Enter you Company Code, User Name and Password

     If you do not know your company code contact someone at your company to get it.

4. Click “OK” to finish the installation.

Congrats! CenPoint is now installed on your computer!

Use the trouble shooting link below if you encountered problems downloading the CenPoint desktop version.

Desktop Installation Troubleshooting