Quote Alerts and Quote Follow Up
  • 01 Mar 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Quote Alerts and Quote Follow Up

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Article summary

This article will cover:

  1. Quote Alerts
  2. Quote Follow up

1.Quote Alerts

To receive an alert when a Quote is opened or signed go to File->Company Branch->Modify Branch-> Customer Portal.
Select an alert option for Quotes: Every Open & Sign, First Opened and Signed or Quote Signed.

*If you would like to change the Quote Signature Message you would also adjust that on this screen.

On the Quote under eSigned you will be able to see when and how many times a customer viewed the Quote.

Click the Misc. button at the bottom of the page to schedule an alert for this Quote.

Select from the dropdown list of who to assign the Alert to, and notes, date and time,

or use the ellipsis next to date to choose from a predefined list.

2. Quote Follow Up

On the Quote screen click on the Activity Log tab to see the alerts and notes associated with this Quote.

Then to schedule a follow up reminder click the "Add" button to schedule an alert.

(This can also be done by clicking the Misc. button as described in the step above)

Another way to follow up or make contact with customers is open your Customer-> Select a contact-> 

On this screen you can see  the Last Quote , Open Quotes, Conv. Quotes, Last Job, and Jobs.

There is a section for some personal information to make your customer interactions more personal.

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