Quote Digital Signature
  • 15 Jun 2022
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Quote Digital Signature

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Article summary

CenPoint allows you to send a text message to customers, with a link to view and sign their Quote. This article will cover . . .

How to send the customer link (from the mobile app or desktop).

How to filter quotes by their signature status.

How to customize the Quote text message.


1.  Open a Quote, and go to the “eSigned” tab.

2. If the Quote has already been signed, you will see the customer name and date here.

3. You also see the date and time the link was last sent to the customer, as well as their view history.

4. Once a Quote has been signed by the customer it will become a read only.

5. If changes need to be made to the Quote, the customer signature can be deleted with the button below.

6. To send or resend the link to the customer click on the “Send Sig. Link” button.

7. You can send the signature link via text message to the “prepared for” contact, or a phone number you manually enter.

8. The customer will receive this text message. This message can be modified, using the directions here.

9.  When the customer clicks on the link, they are taken to the Quote.

10.  When they scroll down, they will see the signature field.

11.  As soon and as they sign and click the “Done” button, the signature will save and appear on their view of the Quote.


Mobile App

1. Open a Quote, and scroll down to the bottom of the screen to click the “Customer Sign” button.

2. In addition to capturing a signature there and then, you will also have the option to text the link.


  How to filter quotes by their signature status.

On the Quote finder, there is a new filter called eSigned to help you resend the signature link, and reach out to customers.

 How to customize the Quote text message.


1. By default, the customer will see this text message.

2. To modify the message sent, go to File > Company/Branch Information

3. Highlight your branch, and click the Modify button.

4. Go to the “Cust. Portal” tab.

5. Here you can adjust your text message, utilizing the codes to the right.

6. You can also attach a small logo to your text message.