Repeat WO
  • 22 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Repeat WO

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Article summary

1. To repeat a work order on multiple days, open your work order. 

2. Click the "Repeat W0" button.

3. On the screen that opens, first specify your date range. The start date will be the same day as the open work order. The end date is the last day you would repeat the Work Order.

4. After selecting your date range, all days within that range will appear in the grid. Check and uncheck days, to achieve your ideal schedule.

5. Days that the tech is not available to work, or already scheduled will be unchecked automatically, with an explanation of the reason in the notes field.

6. To pick a new technician for a day, click the Elipsis next to the technician name. Pick out your new technician, and click select. CenPoint will offer to change all future work orders to the new tech.

7. To bulk uncheck days of the week, use the checkboxes to the left. Any day checked here, will uncheck all of that same day in the grid.

8. To bulk check or uncheck all days, click the All or None buttons.

9. Finally, manually uncheck days you do not want the Work Order to repeat on.

10. Click okay, and you will be taken back to the original work order. All of the repeating work orders will be created when you click the okay button on the original work order.