SS Quick Add
  • 17 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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SS Quick Add

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Article summary

This article will cover the simplest way to add a job in CenPoint

SS Quick Add

User Preferences -> Job Add Mode -> Select Super Simple (SS) Quick Add -> Click OK

Create a Job in a SS Quick Way

This is the quickest and simplest way to add a job

New Job -> Add New -> Select the customer or create one -> Fill out the information -> Click OK

When you go to jobs and select the job you just created, it will look like this:

It will always say, General Work. However, you can click on it twice to change it, and add more details. 

In SS Quick Add Define Job, If you click Continue In -> Quick Add

It will show in more detail. Now, you can add more jobs with more details

In SS Quick Add Define Job, If you click Continue In -> Full Job View

It will show you in more detail. You can also add more tasks