Tech Revenue Allocation
  • 06 Jan 2023
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Tech Revenue Allocation

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Article summary

Select a method of Tech Revenue Allocation

Used in many reports throughout CenPoint ie. Job Costing, Technician Report Cards

Go to File-> Company Branch->Customer and Job Settings-> Tech Revenue Allocation

Hourly by Invoice, All Techs Equal


Invoice total is $1000.00

Tech 1 has 5 hours on the job 

Tech 2 has 1 hour on the job

Tech 1 invoice total divided by the total hours, multiplied by the hours worked by that tech ($1000 /6) *5

Tech 2 invoice total divided by the total hours, multiplied by the hours worked by that tech ($1000/6) *1

Hourly by Invoice, Stored Rate for Addtl. Workers

To store an Allocation Rate for additional workers, go to users-> Add'l info-> Misc info and add a Rate


Invoice total is $1000.00

Tech 1 is the lead tech 

Tech 2 is an additional worker with 1 hour on the job and a stored rate of $15.00

Tech 1 is allocated $985.00 ($1000.00-$15.00(or all additional worker stored rates per hour) = $985.00

Tech 2 is allocated $15.00 

By FT, All Techs Equal

Tasks and Pricing must be filled out on each Field Tickets to allocate properly.


Invoice total is $1000.00 Multiple Field Tickets are going toward one invoice.

Tech 1 with 1 hour on FT 123 Priced at 0.00  

Tech 1 is allocated $0.00

(Since there was no pricing on the FT there is no allocation given to Tech 1)

Tech 2 with 5 hours on FT 456 Priced at $1000.00

Tech 2 is allocated $1000.00 ($1000.00/ 5 hours) *5= 1000

By FT, Stored Rate for Addtl Workers

Tasks and Pricing must be filled out on each Field Tickets to allocate properly.

Example 1:

Invoice total is $1000.00 Multiple Field Tickets are going toward one invoice.

Tech 1 with 1 hour on FT 123 Priced at 0.00 

Tech 1 is allocated $0.00

(Since there was no pricing on the FT there is no allocation given to Tech 1)

Tech 2(lead tech) is on FT 456 with 2 additional workers (Tech 3 and Tech 4) FT is priced at $1000.00

Tech 3 has 1 hour on FT 456 and a stored rate of $15.00

Tech 4 has 2 hours on FT 456 and a stored rate of $20 

Tech 2 is allocated $945.00 (1000-15-40) 

Tech 3 (1 hr. * 15) = 15

Tech 4 (2 hrs. * 20) = 40

By Job, All Techs Equal


Invoice total $3000.00 with 20 hours on the job

Tech 1 has 5 hours on the job

Tech 2 has 15 hours on the job

Hourly rate= 3000/ (5+15) = 150 per hour

Tech 1 is allocated 5*150= $750 (hours on job* hourly rate for job)

Tech 2 is allocated 15*150=$2250 (hours on job* hourly rate for job) 

By Job, Stored Rate for Addtl Workers


Invoice total $3000.00 with 20 hours on the job

Tech 1 has 15 hours on the job

Tech 2(additional worker) has 5 hours on the job and a stored rate of $15.00

Tech 1 is allocated $2925.00 ($3000.00 -(15*5) additional worker)

Tech 2 is allocated $75.00 (15*5) 

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