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Find Vendors under CP Books→A/P→Vendors
*You can also find Vendors under List Management
Click the ‘Add’ button to add a vendor or click the ellipsis to modify or delete a vendor.
When adding a new vendor choose the category if they are a regular vendor or other/1-off.
Fill in other applicable information
To add a vendor Sales Contact you must first add a Contact in the contact section.
Add a contact by clicking the ‘Add’ button
Add applicable information: Default Terms, Tax No., 1099 Eligible, if they are a 501C3
If the vendor is flagged as "‘Eligible for 1099’ you will be required to enter a Federal Tax No.
For information on how to add a surplus or credit memo to a vendor use the following link:
Vendor Surplus/Credit Memo (cenpoint.com)
Add a primary branch and select the other branches the vendor is available to.
Click the ‘History’ button to view the Bill or Payments for the vendor.