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Schedule Template on Desktop
Use the Schedule Template to set a general schedule for the user.
Another option is to make always available.
This is just a general outline for the year, to schedule days off and holidays use the following links for more information;
Schedule a Holiday etc.. for user(s) by going to Reports->Time Cards-Clock In and Out Data->
Add->Create clock in record for a single user or Bulk Create Time Record for multiple users.
Select a category, and if it's paid time off.
To add or change clock in categories go to File->List Management-> Clock In/Out Categories
Go to File->Users-> to set availability for users.
Schedule Template on Portal
Use the Schedule Template to set a general schedule for the user.
Another option is to make always available.
This is just a general outline for the year, to schedule days off and holidays use the following links for more information;
Schedule a Holiday etc.. for user(s) by going to (Desktop) Reports->Time Cards-Clock In and Out Data->
Add->Create clock in record for a single user or Bulk Create Time Record for multiple users.
Select a category, and if it's paid time off.
To add or change clock in categories go to More -> List Management-> Clock In/Out Categories
Go to More -> Users-> Click ellipsis -> set availability for users.