Mobile Field Tickets
  • 19 Apr 2024
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Mobile Field Tickets

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Article summary

This article will cover:

  • Field Ticket 
  • Tasks
  • Additional Technician
  • Time Keeping
  • Parts and Materials
  • Customers

Field Ticket

After completing the JSA and Authorization to Proceed, you can go into the Field Ticket


If you have to fill out the inspection, Click on 'Inspections' -> Select you Pretrip -> Fill out the inspection and put signature. 

* You can also view your previous Inspections by clicking on the 'Prev. Inspections'

* The bar at the bottom is a shortcut feature that helps you quickly skip to different sections of the field ticket

You can also see the section for Break Time and Travel.


You can translate any notes into other languages in CenPoint


Click add button to add a new Equipment -> Select your Equipment

Location on the Task

You can add in Latitude and Longitude from Google Maps to show the address where you are. Click 'Use My Location'

Crew Time

For more information, go to Crew Time

Additional Technicians

In the Additional Worker section, all the technicians on the Work Order are listed. 

*The Lead Technician will have access to additional technicians' time if they need to make a change. However, they can't change their own time

*If the additional and the lead happen to work the same time on the job, at the end of the field ticket when the lead has clicked completed, he can add the additional tech and it will copy all the time for that additional technician. As well as you can add the technician if they are not listed

Field Ticket Tasks

Field Ticket tasks are tasks that are listed on the work order

Additional Information

Additional Information section is where you would go to add a P.O. or Requisition Number if required. Once you sign your Field Ticket, you can send a link via text to the customer

*Some companies may require a signature on a field ticket to be able to complete the field ticket. In this case, if a customer is not available, you can use the failed to get a customer signature section

When you are ready to depart, you will click departed and you are prompted to fill out a departure checklist and sign. Then Click complete and write the odometer reading along with a photo of the job site

Once the tech is done with field ticket, now it is time to click submit. When it is submitted, it will become read-only
