Additional Info for Users
  • 19 Feb 2024
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Additional Info for Users

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Article summary

Additional Info for Users on Desktop

Misc Info

Under Additional Info -> Misc. Info add pertinent information for your user.

Under File -> Pick list Data Gender and Ethnicity Lists can be modified.

Rate of Pay Tab

Select how this User will be paid: Hourly, Via Field Tickets, or Salary

For more information on setting up Rate of pay Via Field Tickets use the following link: Rate of Pay

Licensing Tab 

Store license information for you User under the Licensing tab.

Under File -> Pick list Data License Type can be modified.

Notes Tab

Great place to keep notes for a User. Note this is not the same as the User Log.

For more information on the User Log use the following link: User Log

Additional Info for Users on Portal

Misc Info

Under Additional Info -> Add pertinent information for your user.

Rate of Pay Tab

Select how this User will be paid: Hourly, Via Field Tickets, or Salary

For more information on setting up Rate of pay Via Field Tickets use the following link: Rate of Pay

Licensing Tab 

Store license information for you User under the Licensing tab.

Under File -> Pick list Data License Type can be modified.

Notes Tab

Great place to keep notes for a User. Note this is not the same as the User Log.

For more information on the User Log use the following link: User Log