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Expand the filters under 'Find Customers' by clicking 'Show More Filters'.
Click the Active Only check box to see a full list of customers that includes inactive ones.
Reorder or resize the cells in the grid to fit your preferences. Drag to reorder and resize and click close to save.
Customer Info
Fill in information on your customer. Ratings you give the customer will appear on the schedulers.
To edit the terms list go to File->List Management->Terms
Add an address for your customer. The Mailing address will show up on Quotes and Invoices
Branch Availability
Choose branch availability for the customer. Customers may be shared between multiple branches.
Customer Contacts
Set up the customer contacts.
Site contacts will receive text alerts for your technicians when selected on the job.
Billing Contacts e-mail address will populate when sending invoices.
Receive Statements e-mail address will populate when sending statements.
Contacts can have multiple 'Contacts'.
Additional info is a great way for your sales department to add personal touch to
customer satisfaction.
Misc. Tab
Type in the date the customer was created and the customer type this will help with billed out reports.
To edit the custom type list go to File->List Management->Picklist Data->Customer Types
If the customer is tax exempt the tax number is stored here.
By checking requires PO and/or Requisition number, when a new job is created there will be a prompt to fill the PO and Req. number in.
Misc. 2
You can email your customer and Aging Link and let them pay multiple invoices with a Credit Card.
For more information on Aging Links use the following link:Aging Link
Black List customers who have not paid by using Globally Blacklist.
For more information on Blacklist use the following link:Customer Blacklist
Credit Card on File
Store Credit Card information for the customer- it is encrypted. :)
Surplus Account
Select the branch and click History to see the Surplus History and create a manual credit or manual refund.
Custom Pricing
After pricing is set up on tasks, you can offer Custom Pricing to specific customers for specific tasks.
Go to the Custom Pricing tab->Check the Use custom pricing box-> New price
Modify an existing price by clicking History->Modify
Select the task, effective date and then create a custom price for that customer with some of the following options:
- Set a different minimum / flat price based on value, standard, or premium pricing
- Add default notes for value, standard, or premium pricing that will automatically get added to the task notes on the quote / field ticket
- Setting to ignore the minimum price if the qty is >= ____. Helpful if job is all day and waiving the minimum and just charging hourly
Go to Customer History to view Quotes, Jobs, Invoices, and Statements for customers.
Pending Non-Service Invoices can be viewed or created under Customer History.
Recurring Jobs
Schedule Recurring Jobs
Manage Docs
Use the Manage Documents to keep all pertinent information and contracts for your customer.
To set up Manage Doc Categories, go to File-> List Management->Document Categories
Click Misc. button and get the option to copy a customer and view the Audit Log.