Misc Button
  • 05 Mar 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Misc Button

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Article summary

Misc. Button is broken down in the following sections:


2. Make Alert

3. Link to Quote

4. View in Advanced Finder

5. View Customer History

6. Clone Job

7. Create NSI

8. Job Costing

9.Pre-Authorize Credit Card

10. Audit Log

1. Print

Print options include printing the

  • Job
  • Job Hour Recap
  • Job Recap Report

2. Make Alert

To learn about Alerts use the following links below.


Alerts on the Job

Quote Alerts and Follow Up

3. Link to Quote

Learn about Linking Quotes by following the link below.

Linking Quotes

4. View in Advanced Finder

Advanced finder is a great place to see the whole scope of your job.

Select and View Quotes, Work Orders, Field Tickets, and Invoices all from one screen.

5. View Customer History

View your customer history.

6. Clone Job

Choose to "Clone Job" with or without the tasks. This feature is also found on the Find Job screen. (Pictured below)

7.Create a Non-Service Invoice

To learn about Non-Service Invoices(NSI) follow the link below.


8. Job Costing

View your costing from this option.

9. Pre-Authorize CC

Learn more about Pre-Authorizing credit cards by following the link below. 

Pre Authorize Credit Cards

10. Audit Log

Audit Log will show all the changes and who made them on a Job. 

This is a good place to go if you are missing a Work Order, Field Ticket or Invoice.